
Showing posts with label Illegal Download. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illegal Download. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reflections - Download and if you like it buy it??

By searching music sites online I stumble into many sites with links to download full albums.
Their excuse is "Download and if you like it buy it"?

Is this a valid excuse?
It is sure a good and cheap way of meeting new bands.
But will anyone who has downloaded an album and liked it go to the record store and buy it?
I don't think so!

I agree that it is a good way to extend bands fan list. But they will not get the right profit over it.
How would a band obtain their rightful credits?
Future albums? Not if they continue to be available for free download.
Merchandising? Yes maybe. . .
Concerts? Yes! If you like a band you will certainly go see them live.

Will this be the future of music?
Will bands be able to survive with concerts?

I will eave this questions open. . .

Friday, April 20, 2012

Site Concept

This site's purpose is to provide entertainment. Not boring content and definitely not illegal download.
A few words and more media content.
After all music is what we want and it says it all!! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Illegal Download

This website intends to present news and reviews over Hard Rock and Metal Music World.
We may contain links do legal download but we will never not support Illegal download of anything protected by copyrights.

Simple: if you support your favorite bands they will go on with their work...If you don’t...........................................